SQL/DB Error -- [
    Error establishing a database connection!
  1. Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
SQL/DB Error -- [
    Error selecting database Sql159965_3!
  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
SQL/DB Error -- [Access denied for user 'Sql159965'@'' (using password: YES)]
WEBSITE_ADDRESS3" var point; var map; var gdir; var geocoder = null; var addressMarker; var lat='GOOGLE_MAPS_API_LATITUDE' var long='GOOGLE_MAPS_API_LONGITUDE'; function loadMap() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, long), GOOGLE_MAPS_API_ZOOM_LEVEL); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize(110, 110))); map.enableDoubleClickZoom(); map.enableContinuousZoom(); map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); gdir = new GDirections(map); GEvent.addListener(gdir, "load", onGDirectionsLoad); GEvent.addListener(gdir, "error", handleErrors); point = new GLatLng(lat, long); map.addOverlay(createMarker(point,Indirizzo)); //map.openInfoWindowHtml(map.getCenter(), // Indirizzo,{maxWidth: '220'}); } } function setDirections(fromAddress, toAddress) { map.removeOverlay(point); gdir.load("from: " + fromAddress + " to: " + toAddress); } function handleErrors(e){ alert('Indirizzo non corretto o sconosciuto') } function onGDirectionsLoad(){ // Use this function to access information about the latest load() // results. // e.g. // document.getElementById("getStatus").innerHTML = gdir.getStatus().code; // and yada yada yada... } // Creates a marker at the given point with the given number label function createMarker(point, text) { var marker = new GMarker(point); GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(text); }); return marker; } //carico la mappa $(document).ready(function() { loadMap(); }); //]]>